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February 27: The Annual Bilateral Meeting 2025 in Larvik, Norway

U.S. - Norway CCUS Bilateral Meeting, 27 February 2025   

13:30   Welcome and Meeting Objectives (10 mins)

  • Welcome: William Christensen, ED

  • Opening comments: Mark Ackiewicz, U.S. DOE

13:40   Storage/transport deep dive (80 mins)

Chairs: Kari Lise Rørvik, Gassnova and Matt Antes, U.S.DOE

  • Overview and purpose (5 mins)—Norway and U.S. Chairs

  • Basin-scale carbon storage infrastructure and monitoring (20 mins)

    • R&D GigaCCS storage: Sara Gasda , NORCE

    • FECM CarbonBASE / CarbonBASE report: Kevin Dooley, U.S. DOE

    • CO₂ DataShare: Grethe Tangen, SINTEF

  • Multimodal CO transportation (15 mins)

    • Future plans for CO₂ transportation: Svein Erik Losnegaard, Gassco

    • DOE-FECM efforts on shipping studies and LLNL analysis: Kevin Dooley, U.S. DOE

  • CO Specifications (10 mins)

  • Discussion (30 mins): Speakers and attendees

15:00  Break (5 mins)

15:05  Carbon capture deep dive (55 mins)

Chairs: Erik Gjernes, Gassnova and Dan Hancu, U.S. DOE

  • Overview and purpose (5 mins)—Norway and U.S. Chairs

  • Non-CO emissions testing/dispersion modelling and carbon capture material degradation (20 mins)

    • NETL, NCCC, purpose-built pilot testing, AI-based models: Dan Hancu, U.S. DOE

    • SCOPE: Hanne Kvamsdal, SINTEF

    • Emissions testing: Armin Wisthaler, University of Oslo

  • FEEDs and large demos at industrial facilities (10 mins)

    • Pilots and FEEDs at industrial sources (cement, steel, H₂): Dan Hancu, U.S. DOE

  • Discussion (20 mins): Speakers and attendees

16:00  Conclusions and way forward (10 mins)

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to Nov 1

October 31 and November 1, 2023: The Annual Bilateral Meeting 2023 in Washington DC, USA


CCUS specialist from the United States of America and Norway met in person and online at the premises of the United States Energy Association (USEA) in Washington DC, USA, October 31 and November 01.

A detailed summary of the meeting, prepared for USEA by Batelle Memorial Institute, can be found here.

Courtesy:Åse Slagtern

Kari-Lise Rørvik,. Gassnova, in the Overview session. Courtesy: Torleif Madsen

The agenda had six blocks:

1. Overview and the larger picture. The agenda with presentations can be found here.

2. Storage. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

Bob Smith, DOE, opening the Transport and Infrastructure Session. Courtesy: Kari-Lise Rørvik

3. Transport and infrastructure. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

4. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

5. Point Source Capture. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

6. Hydrogen. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

The session on transport and infrastructure and on hydrogen were on the agenda for the first time, whereas the session on CDR was significantly expanded from 2022, which was the first time it appeared in the programme.


The meeting was wrapped up by Mark Ackiewicz, DOE, and Åse Slagtern, RCN.

Both thanked USEA for the hospitality and the well organized meeting. They also expressed appreciation for many good and informative presentations as well as for contributions to lively and constructive discussions.  

The three new topics introduced this year – Tranport and Infrastucture, CDR and Hydrogen open for new collaborations in addition to those well established in capture and storage. Participants are encouraged to reach out to counterparts and set up bilateral discussions.

The leads will come back to dates for the next annual bilateral meeting in 2024.

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to Jun 30

Annual Bilateral Meeting 2022, Bergen, Norway.

CCUS specialist from the United States of America and Norway could finally meet in person after almost three years. The meeting took place in Bergen, Norway. It started with a beautiful boat-ride from the Northen Light Joint Venture in Energiparken Øygarden, to the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM ).

The Northern Light JV construction site. Courtesy Sallie Greenberg

TCM. Courtesy Sallie Greenberg

There the participants were welcomed by the TCM CEO Muhammad Ismail Shah, who gave an overview of the latest test campaigns with the US companies TDA, MTR, MHI and RTI. The visit ended with a tour of the test facilities.

The delegates met the following morning for more in-depth knowledge sharing and discussions. The agenda had four blocks:

08:30 The larger picture. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

11:00 Storage . The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

13:45 Capture. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

15.35  CDR.

Noah Deich; US DOE, gave an overview of the Carbon negative shot, which was announced at COP 26 in November 2021. The goal is to develop CDR technologies that remove carbon at a cost of less than $ 100/t CO2 at gigatonne scale nd store it in a way intended to be permanent. The US DOE is open to any pathway and any TRL and wants ideas from, and conversations and cooperation with the broadest range of stakeholders.

Lars Ingolf Eide; Research Council on Norway (RCN), closed by reminding that the summary report from the CDR workshop will be published by IEAGHG and that the Mission Innovation CDR mission will shortly issue a roadmap.

15.50  Summing up and next meeting.

The meeting was wrapped up by William Christensen, the Norwegian MPE, and Brad Crabtree, US DOE.

The meeting was concluded by William Christensen and Brad Crabtree. William highly appreciated that so many from US came to Norway and contributed to successful days in Bergen. William thanked Åse and Lars Ingolf for organizing the meetings and said he was looking forward to the continuation of the US-Norwegian collaboration. Brad thanked for the Norwegian hospitality and said he was impressed by the bilateral collaboration. He said that the DoE was ready to host the next bilateral meeting in 2023.

Both emphasised that the four days, and in particular this last one, had shown that significant and valuable work has come out of the bilateral and that there is room for continued collaboration in CCUS and CDR.

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to Aug 30

Annual bilateral meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Delegates from the United States of America (USA) and Norway met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,USA, August 29 -30, 2019,under the US-Norway bilateral agreement on collaboration within the subject of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). The objectives of the meeting were to present activities and achievements since August 2018, and to discuss future areas of cooperation. Themeeting took place at David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, in conjunctipn with the NETL review meeting “ Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs Through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies”.

The schedule for the meeting was:

 Thursday August 29, 2019, 14:00 - 17:30

Capture break-out session. A summary of the session can be found here and the presentations here

Storage break-out session. A summary of the session can be found here and the presentations here

 Friday August 30, 2019, 08:25 - 14:30

Plenary session. A summary of the session can be found here and the presentations here

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to May 4


The 2018 bilateral meeting took place in Oslo, Norway, 02 May 2018, hosted by the Research Council of Norway. 

The annual bilateral meeting on CCUS between USA and Norway took place in Oslo, Norway, 02 May 2018, in conjunction with the 3rd International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage as well as a capture workshop O3-04 May.

The bilateral meeting documents can be found here.

Participants at the offshore workshop, did a site visit to the Fortum Oslo Varme waste-to-energy plant at Klemetsrud in Oslo in the afternoon of 04 May, whereas the participants to the capture workshop visited the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) on 04 May.

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to Aug 30

Washington DC August 28 and 29, 2017

The annual meeting of the bilateral CCUS cooperation between USA and Norway took place AUGUST 28 – 29, 2017, in Washington DC. The site visits to Petra Nova and NetPower in Houston August 31 were cancelled due to hurricane "Harvey". Representatives of the projects gave presentations over Skype. 

See the agenda and presentations at the plenary here and  a summary to the discussions and outcomes here. There were separate agendas for the breakout sessions for capture and storage.

A workshop on "Novel Business Models for CCS and CCUS", planned to take place in Austin September 1, was moved to Washington DC and held August 30.Click here for  agenda, presentations and summaries. 


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